Does anyone have their chrome and red or just plain red plug wires? i want to see what they look like before I order and the pics on their site make it hard to tell what they will look like in real life. My other option are the Magnum plug wires and they come in colors too, but it is the same thing with their pics. they are questionable.
Last edited by DR. V-TWIN; 02-22-2011 at 11:23 PM.
Yep, Beavers has the chrome and red. When I priced mine, the magnum's were like $120 + shipping for what i needed, and the ChromeXS from USKool lines were $37 shipped. I'm happy with mine.
I replaced the Magnum's with the USKool lines.
The Magnum's stop short of the boot with their covering and are crimped at both ends. This allows a bend in the wire I didn't like. The line flexes at the uncovered part installed on the plugs and coil.
Sorry no close ups shots of either.