Osprey bags are nice bags and look great on Luxes. Check them out. What ever you do dont buy the HD deluxe bags they look like an after thought, what was MOCO thinking.
Osprey bags are nice bags and look great on Luxes. Check them out. What ever you do dont buy the HD deluxe bags they look like an after thought, what was MOCO thinking.
OI! Some of us like 'em. They're nice and smoooth.
I think the stock bags compliment the lines of the bike better than perhaps anything else I've seen. Those big boxy bags that sit high on the fender look like army ammo cans in comparison.
I think the harley bags made for the deluxe look good they are not to big and do not dominate the look . some of the bags i see on the deluxe really do not belong on the bike the destroy the look.I personally would not put big *** bags on my bike. i do have the harley bags and every once in a while ill put them on maybe twice a season. you can still see the rare wheel a bit, the chrome swingarm and all the other goodies that cost plenty. bottom line is its your money and you can do what you like. I also feel that some of the pipes i see on the deluxe do it no justice especially when the bike is not a full custom and the bike still has the nostalgic look. The thing is is all you have to do is please yourself. buy what you like please yourself and if someone wants to pay for your mods than you may want to discus it with them.