That sounds strange...Probably my next big change on my bike is wheels. I was actually going to go with DNA for some black fat spokes 21" front - 18" or 16" rear. I'll have to give them a ring...
I just called DNA about wheels and they said they can do it . NP ...just need different spacers in the rear. Uh oh...may be getting some 21"f 18"r for this winter
hmm.. I was going through KC International.. they said the guy they were talking to over at DNA said it's not possible.. could you PM me the phone number and person you were talking to over there? Thanks!
DNA directly # is (310) 767-4070 give them a ring first. Then call American Classic Motor (610) 754-8500 order from them and get a great price but slower delivery about a month maybe less. If time isn't a factor. But saving money $$$ is. DNA wanted $539.00 for my current wheel(21" x 3"). Then ordered same wheel though ACM and got it for $339.00. Only thing is...IT TOOK A DAMM MONTH TO GET! But i saved $$$