I was going to go with a leather bags instead because leather bags would look natural on a softail because the herritage has a set. but decided on hardbags instead I like them better, not to mention, fatboy bagger heritage duluxe is going to far.....heehhee
Originally Posted by Mrawsome21
Looks surprisingly good. I saw a Deluxe with Road King leather bags the other day on here and something looked astray. This is a much better, cleaner look.
someone sent me a private message asking how the streetglide facia has no holes for the antennas like the stock FHLX has, simple that rear tribar facia was ordered primed only no color, and I took it to my local bodyshop and they filled in the holes with some resin/epoxy and color matched it with PPG paint. looks much better without the holes especially since I have no radio or CB
That look great. Nice and clean. I recently did something similar to my Fatboy using the baggertail and RK Custom leather bags. I really want to get a set of stretched hard bags now. Does the SG fender extention fit without mods? How does it attach? That piece brings the whole thing together and it's the one thing I don't like about mine.