For the price of that dyno run you can probably buy a pre-programmed PCIII from Jamie at FuelMoto. Then drop another $100 and you will have a complete stage 1. If you ever change parts down the road all you have to do is re-map (Fuel Moto, DynoMax, or another forum member can send you a map)
That's a good thought. If I've gotta fork out the dough for the dyno, for a few more why wouldn't I just put the PC in and dyno it too? Lots of great input guys.
Thanks again!
you will get many opinions. If you don't want the excessive heat and you want the engine to last then yes a fuel management and a dynotune or auto tuner.
Ok.....I'll bite.....what I have read about the Xieds sounds like they may help, but they look like they can eat up the fuel mileage. I've also read that in the end I'd be better off doing the stage I download.
for less than a buck you can use 330 ohm resistors and make the stock ecm run in open loop all the time, just like it does when the engine is cold. If you dont want that then get a fuel management and a dyno tune or an auto tune ecm
if your 2006 does not have o2 sensors then i would say go with what the dealer says.