Boss Bags Phantom Series Saddle bags. Almost brand new. Retail over 700, asking 350.
Boss Bags Phantom Series Saddle bags. Almost brand new. Retail over 700, asking 350.
I got these bags when I bought my shovelhead. It appears they were mounted, but never ran. The previous owner told me they were Boss brand, but there is no badging to indicate this, but the buckles and style match up and there is a made in the USA tag on them.
They are in very good shape, I am not sure what they will fit.
It doesn't appear that Boss sells any bags for under 700, so 350 is a sure steal, I just have no use for them and want them gone. They include brackets and a bag of hardware.
Here are pictures:
They are in very good shape, I am not sure what they will fit.
It doesn't appear that Boss sells any bags for under 700, so 350 is a sure steal, I just have no use for them and want them gone. They include brackets and a bag of hardware.
Here are pictures:
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