Bump cause I love this bike and I was having a hard time finding it and I like to look at it every once in a while. Don't even know if it's still for sale. Badaaazzz!
Bump @ $13,200 for HDF members. Yea its still for sale, sorry I havent been online much lately. To the above poster, I live on the central coast, and I do have some of the stock parts, but not many. I recently moved to a much smaller garage and had to downsize my parts pile.
Bump @ $13,200 for HDF members. Yea its still for sale, sorry I havent been online much lately. To the above poster, I live on the central coast, and I do have some of the stock parts, but not many. I recently moved to a much smaller garage and had to downsize my parts pile.
Times are tough but that's one F'n deal for that bike. Here's a bump for ya.