Bike broke down but let me tell ya what I'm really mad!
Doesn't Harley give you a 1 year membership to Hog when you buy a new bike? Unless that's changed, you are a Hog member{ like it or not] , so they should have covered the tow bill.,,
This would also apply for a 15000.00 Hyundai base model or any low level car line. I wonder what a salesman would say if you asked about breakdown 30 days after plunking down 38,000 for the top line CVO?
They take care of the first 100.00 and the rest is out of your wallet. Unless you want to pay HOG more money for an upgrade, then and only then will they take care of the bill! Remember all this for a known voltage reg problem. What happened to customer service!
No I do not. Didn't think I needed it. Guess I was wrong! Should of bought a Japanese new cheap junk car. It would have been covered for anything while it was warranted .
Seems to me there are dealerships around Miami which is only 75 miles away not 175 but then again the bike is a 1012 model too...
Others have had similar issues with similar results from the moco. I would think they should help a fellow out if the new bike was under warranty.
Others have had similar issues with similar results from the moco. I would think they should help a fellow out if the new bike was under warranty.
I get all the jokes. To top it all off I asked the dealer before I left on this 1500 mile trip if they would replace or let me borrow a new voltage regulator. They said no. They said so many of them are bad the one on the shelf would also be faulty. FT
Well I will asking about this issue when I finally get to pick mine up (hopefully by weeks end).
Called MOCO and told them what happened, Willie G came out of retirement and brought me a new bike, chrome and a beer. Reimbursed all the money spent on the vacation and ......WAIT JUST A DARN MINUTE, WHO WOKE ME UP?
Numerous reports of voltage regulators going out in 2012 models, right off the showroom floor. Is there a recall notice yet, any owners notified to bring their bike to the nearest dealer asap? H-D has a quality contol issue on some parts it outsourced to the lowest bidder. They should be picking up the tab on towing. A new chevy truck costs the same, how would chevy/ford look if a bunch of owners of their new '12 truck/car/whatever had to have it towed within1300 miles off the lot? Sorry, you didn't buy a high end vehicle (as if H-D was cheap), the Motor Company should not be getting a pass on this, seems to be a major problem.
My dealer in NW Louisiana said that its running at 60% of the 2012 FLH bikes that they sold have faulty VR. FT