I recently purchased an H-D Classic (KBC) full-face helmet. I usually wear a medium, but opted for a large, based on the fit of a similar (H-D KBC modular) helmet. The large Classic feels right, but the removable cheek-pads create some serious pressure. Once they are removed it's comfortable, but the helmet's fit is not correct (to loose). I am hoping that a medium sized helmet with the cheek-pads removed will work. What say ya'll? Is there a need for the cheek-pads? Thanks!
Definitely a need for helmet cheek pads, no question. See if you can get narrower cheek pads from the manufacturer. Maybe even modify your pads.
My GF has high cheekbones and needed narrower pads with her Shoei RF-1000 FF and even modified them a little bit. Fits great now.
My GF has high cheekbones and needed narrower pads with her Shoei RF-1000 FF and even modified them a little bit. Fits great now.
If you are wearing a full face helmet, it's because you are concerned about safety and the protective ability of your helmet. The cheek pads are an integral part of the protection scheme of the helmet. Don't remove them.
When a helmet is new, it should be tight. The cheek pads will compress and lose some of their reliency over time and the helmet will loosen up some.
The lesson though is that all helmets, even from the same manufacturer, fit differently. Modular helmets tend to be more round, to accommodate the hinge mechanism, which usually means they fit more loosely over the cheeks than a full face. You seem to have had the opposite experience. Go figure.
Online retailers will let you return a helmet if the fit is wrong. But H-D, at least my dealer, won't let you once it leaves the dealership. My dealer recommends putting on the helmet and walking around the dealership for 5-10 minutes before you accept it. It looks goofy, to be sure, but a good idea with a no-return policy.
When a helmet is new, it should be tight. The cheek pads will compress and lose some of their reliency over time and the helmet will loosen up some.
The lesson though is that all helmets, even from the same manufacturer, fit differently. Modular helmets tend to be more round, to accommodate the hinge mechanism, which usually means they fit more loosely over the cheeks than a full face. You seem to have had the opposite experience. Go figure.
Online retailers will let you return a helmet if the fit is wrong. But H-D, at least my dealer, won't let you once it leaves the dealership. My dealer recommends putting on the helmet and walking around the dealership for 5-10 minutes before you accept it. It looks goofy, to be sure, but a good idea with a no-return policy.
Not necessarily. I wear one for rain and cold - when the weather is right, I don't wear any helmet. This is the time of year when people buy FF helmets for the weather.
Yeah, good point. I've started wearing mine more now that the temps are dropping. I should have said IF the reason he was wearing it is safety, he should leave the cheek pads in. I stand corrected.
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