What have you and your bike done today.
I decided to try and be nice to my bike and clean the a/c in preparation of decent weather next week. My bike decided I didn't spend ENOUGH money on him this winter so when I got my a/c cover the filter had a big crack around the center hole.
I decided to try and be nice to my bike and clean the a/c in preparation of decent weather next week. My bike decided I didn't spend ENOUGH money on him this winter. When I got the cover off there was a big crack. around the center hole. There goes another $50.
Damn wierd *** clutch problem
Mine and I played find out why the clutch cable all of a sudden grew 3/8" inch of slack. Pulled off the kicker cover and the throwout bearing was fine, every thing lined up right. Adjusted the clutch, the tranny lever and the hand control. We went for a ride and all was well. Never did figure out what happened.
Forcast called for rain today and temps in the 30s. Figured I'd take the truck into work. Said screw it and rode anyway. She and I braved the rain and were rewarded with just some light drizzles. Put her away wet and will clean her up if it stays dry this weekend.
to answer the op, not a damn thing. though i am waiting on the usps so i can install my se ac and finish up the stage1 that i just bought from fuel moto.