Shell Gas Sucks!!!!
Hummm interesting. I've run Exxon, Shell, Mobil, Citgo, Chevron, Quick Stop fuel with no problems. I run 93 Octane. What I have learned though is, if you stop for fuel at a po-dunk station that doesn't get much business, you might be getting sediment with your fuel. Likewise, if you see a fuel truck just finishing refuel operations at a station you could pickup crud and sediment that has been stirred up from the bottom of the fuel storage tanks...
Wow the little town of Dayton Ohio must be unique. Shell has a stand alone fuel farm that only services Shell stations. All of the other stations around here get thier fuel from a seperate fuel farm about a mile further west on the same road.
Have always used Shell in my cars, boats and motorcycles with no perceived problems. My problem down here is I cant find any brand anymore that doesnt have that corn syrup ethanol in it......and the best octane rating is usually 90 at most.
Whatya gonna do?
Whatya gonna do?
For the most part.
Thats why the gas is filtered three times before it hits your engine. Once in the pumps underground, once at the actually pump, then once in your in line fuel filter. Don't believe that old rumor.
But the terminal down the street is fed off the same pipeline, makes no difference, only the additives are different.
But the terminal down the street is fed off the same pipeline, makes no difference, only the additives are different.
This has also been a concern of mine. If you are buying 5 gallons it probably does not matter. I don't know how much regular is left in the hose and filter at single hose pumps? I buy my gas at three hose pumps when ever I can.
The best MPG that my '02 Ultra ever got was using Shell gasoline. The bike ran well on it too.*** I run the higest octane that I can get, what ever the brand. Also, I usually get gasoline at the easiest place to get into and out of however.