Harley Reliability
something may have gone wrong. What's that old saying?
I can't remember it right now....
So far the 1200 C has been good and in 2 years of owning the XL50 I have the rocker box gaskets done one, the rear rocker box gasket twice, the rear head gasket once and the clutch. Sure it sucks to have issue with the bike, but never once has the bike failed to start or left me on the side of the road. HD' may have there issues, but over all they are great bikes and I never want to own a bike that is not HD.
Maybe mine is the exception to that bit of logic I,ve ridden the bike in my sig on more major mile road trips than I can remember the last 28yrs . Been through 49 states , most of southern Canada , coast to coast in both countries , a really hairy dip into Mexico , all of the places the OP posted and some I doubt many in here have even heard of . Only problems I've had are the blown tires , a couple fork seals & assorted leaks shovels will develop when run hard and oh ya I did pop a head gasket once ( changed it while out back of a great titty bar in Dallas Tx. ) . There,s a 15lbs box of photos backing all this so you " have to prove it " puds can pound sand .
Over 500,000 mi. , 3 major rebuilds and bigger every time . Biggest thing is with the older iron if it did take dump on you chances are you could do what you had to on side of the road to get you home . Not happening with a newer bike but I give the OP a major thumbs up being prepared .
To the OP , just reading your post I hear the thrill and satisfaction you feel , awesome country we have isn't it ? and done on 2 wheels ya gotta love it . Ride safe bud
Good read, and glad you had the opportunity to do such an impressive run that can give what no other bike gives!