Motorcyclist killed by idiot with mattress
Keep your eyes open for dangers like this. In these parts, the local yokels tie down their loads with twine or whatever is handy...IF they tie it down at all. Be alert.
I see unsecured loads everyday. They should all be arrested. Landscapers, gravel trucks, remodelers and on and on.
Dangerous for cars too.
I cant believe the dumbasses that drive around like that and dont think about it.
Dangerous for cars too.
I cant believe the dumbasses that drive around like that and dont think about it.
They are ticketing people here in NY with unsecured loads.
I was heading down the road the other day in my pickup with a load of demoed drywall and plywood in the back. Mind you it was secured properly, but I had a guy on a bike behind me riding my ***! I kept thinking what an a-hole. I know the load is secure but HE dosent. I tried to let him pass me but he just kept on my ***, I kinda felt sorry for the moron!
I had a box (about 12" cube) fly out of a trailer on I-95 @ 70 mph. It was unsecured and wedged under my bike thankfully not lifting it up. I slid down the highway upright "skiing" and was able to vear off the roadway as the bike was not rolling to well. I was paying full attention at this point.
When my buddy (president of a local riding social club) who is huge, saw that I was OK when I stopped while waving off traffic (which the cars also did around me) than proceeded to catch up the the offender. I was told that his drivers door was caved in and he choose to keep on driving. I do not know what really happened but I tend to believe him.
I am sure that the driver did not care what his actions caused but after the "Discussion" quite possibly thought twice about his trailer-ing habits. I told this story about a year and a half ago and the HDF members thought no actions should have been taken to the truck driver....*****'S
When my buddy (president of a local riding social club) who is huge, saw that I was OK when I stopped while waving off traffic (which the cars also did around me) than proceeded to catch up the the offender. I was told that his drivers door was caved in and he choose to keep on driving. I do not know what really happened but I tend to believe him.
I am sure that the driver did not care what his actions caused but after the "Discussion" quite possibly thought twice about his trailer-ing habits. I told this story about a year and a half ago and the HDF members thought no actions should have been taken to the truck driver....*****'S
I was riding through Cedar Rapids on Saturday (on my way to JP Cycles open house) and we came up to a guy pulling an 10' trailer with about 20 - 2X10's that were probably 16' long, just tied down with twine. They were bouncin and I though for sure they were coming off. I could not get away from that guy fast enough.
The guy in Minnesota that was killed earlier this year was following a truck or a van on Hwy 94 near Woodbury. The vehicle ahead of him veered right because a mattress was in the left lane. Apparently, the bike didn't see it in time, hit it and lost control. He was a captain in a fire department nearby. Don't know if they ever caught the idiot who had hauled the mattress.
Sincerest condolences to the family of the rider killed. Yes, killed. The driver needs to be brought up on charges.