I read all four pages and find that there's still no confirmation if that's her in the picture? We need a picture to decide if he's smart or stupid! Maybe one where you're just wearing something small and leaning on your bike??
what the hell's wrong with you?
thats a picture of gemma from friggin SOA. her handle is GEMMA LOVES CLAY.
I'm just mad because if I knew he was going out I would have planned something. Anyway, it's nuthin new, just frustrating. Boys, remember this next time you want to ditch your girl and hang out with the boys. If you take her with you get the best of both things. Wink.
Ya know .... This brings me back .. back to a time when I was dating MY hubby. THAT was my gripe too. I never had a problem with him hang'n with his guy friends. I wasn't THAT controlling .. I am still not THAT controlling .. BUT .. We spent so much time together, I would often just automatically assume WE would hang out together. If he had other plans, I thought I deserved a 'heads up', so I could make plans myself. In those days, the thought of just staying home just didn't even occur to me. I had many friends to go out with.
Now days ...on the other hand (30 + yrs later) .. is an entirely different matter. I would much prefer to stay home and keep myself busy doing the things I wanna do. He can come and go as he pleases.