In my case as mentioned several times, Loud pipes (and mine aren't really that loud, SE ll slips) have save me from being lane changed into. It's the moron's that Blip their throttle to look cool that **** the cops off around here. Otherwise, they don't bother with tickets.
Last edited by BCSG; 08-15-2008 at 07:05 PM.
Reason: error
I think the fact that a Southern California town (the name of the town escapes me)elected to mount loud aftermarket pipes on all police motorcycles makes a strong statement in favor of loud pipes being a positive factor in preventing accidents in congested urban situations.
Show me the source of your statement please. Sounds good, but...just saying l.ray
No, they don't save lives, given that they project their noise rearward and thus only serve as a warning to vehicles behind you. That said, they sound great and I love them.