Man Dies after crashing motorcycle when port-o-potty falls off the back of a truck
RE: Man Dies after crashing motorcycle when port-o-potty falls off the back of a truck
I have seen a lot of things fall out moving vehicles. I always try and stay way back when I'm on my scoot or in the cage.
RE: Man Dies after crashing motorcycle when port-o-potty falls off the back of a truck
Another reason to give yourself a decent amount of space fromthe vehicle ahead of you, is you can see what's layin on the road already.
I was ridin pretty close behind a pickup one day and he drove overa big bloated roadkillgroundhog, in the middle of the road.Well, I didn't have time to do anything but to add some tire tracks to it. And my brother, who was right behind me,got hit by some innards.
I was ridin pretty close behind a pickup one day and he drove overa big bloated roadkillgroundhog, in the middle of the road.Well, I didn't have time to do anything but to add some tire tracks to it. And my brother, who was right behind me,got hit by some innards.
RE: Man Dies after crashing motorcycle when port-o-potty falls off the back of a truck
2Saturdays ago I saw 2 different a$$hats on the side of the freeway picking up their matresses and box springs! WTF kind of idiot thinks a single peice of TWINE is gonna hold a matress down at 60 mph? Also, 2 weeks ago we had a Sable in our body shop, customer was driving down the freeway when the hood ofa rattyMitsubishi in front of him peeled off andsliced through the Sable's windshield, luckily on the passenger side. I try not to thing of what would have happened to a rider in any of these situations.
RE: Man Dies after crashing motorcycle when port-o-potty falls off the back of a truck
That Stinks.The more people on the road today just increases the chances of crap flying off or out of their rides.I actually went 5 miles out of my way one day following a delivery truck until the new canvas finally flew out the body.It is brand new,you win some you lose some.
RE: Man Dies after crashing motorcycle when port-o-potty falls off the back of a truck
My opinion is...... God called him home. The odds of that happen is what? He would have dropped dead if that didnt happen because it was his time.
RE: Man Dies after crashing motorcycle when port-o-potty falls off the back of a truck
Dang, this is an old thread that got resurected. I was a regular member here when I posted above.
RE: Man Dies after crashing motorcycle when port-o-potty falls off the back of a truck
I think it's because of the new feature at the bottom of the forum "Related Threads" that's bringing these old ones back to the surfice.
ORIGINAL: Bluerose
Can't get to the article anymore[&:] Seen a few oldies surface lately.
Can't get to the article anymore[&:] Seen a few oldies surface lately.
RE: Man Dies after crashing motorcycle when port-o-potty falls off the back of a truck
ORIGINAL: Peekaboo Bob
What a sh!tty way to go [:@]
What a sh!tty way to go [:@]