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-   -   When to call it quits? When is enough, enough? (https://www.hdforums.com/forum/general-harley-davidson-chat/1454848-when-to-call-it-quits-when-is-enough-enough.html)

BrandonSmith 04-11-2024 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by Oko (Post 21642288)
“Do you pour until the majority of oil is out, then pitch the container?”


You’re wrong

BrandonSmith 04-11-2024 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by Stiggy;[url=tel:21642284
21642284[/url]]Empty a quart, set the container on its side, empty the next 3 then go back and get what collected in the empty containers while you were draining the others. (Doesn't everybody do this?)

getting warmer

BrandonSmith 04-11-2024 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by Leimy;[url=tel:21642282
21642282[/url]]I thought "oil" talk was banished by mods?
As long as we are talking about oil, changing, etc, and dripping...
OP talked about the oil in the jug dripping.
I think some of you got off topic. FOCUS
But what about how long do you let it drip FROM the engine?

I usually check the tire pressure while I am waiting.
I do 36 and 40.
Or 40 and 36?

Only flat on the bottom

On topic
Nah they want us to sludge up the other sections now rather than one dedicated section

In the aerospace industry, something’s only considered a leak if it is 5 seconds or less between drips.

Off Topic

38 psi front, 42 psi rear

NOW we can get back on topic.

strych9 04-11-2024 05:17 PM

I used to be a dripper-waiter but homey ain't got time for that. I simply do a quick pour, wait 'til it drips, then set aside. When done with the oil change, I use the bottles for the used oil recycling so I don't have to wait for the parts store guy to dispose of it. Win-win. ;)

hardheaded 04-11-2024 05:33 PM

Pour one in ,let in drain while i have a beer. Repeat.

Cap77 04-11-2024 05:46 PM

Originally Posted by BrandonSmith (Post 21641824)
I was changing my oils the other day and was letting the bottle drip the last few drops before starting to pour the next quart. It got me thinking…

When do you call it quits?

Do you let the container drip dry, until no more drops come out?

Do you pour until the majority of oil is out, then pitch the container?

Or are you like me and use the Popcorn Rule(R) - you let the container drip until there’s a two seconds between drips?

When is enough, enough?

E-clip would approve of this thread ;)


son of the hounds 04-11-2024 05:52 PM

Originally Posted by elPrez (Post 21642113)
Popcorn rule...love it. Is that a worldwide known thing? It's what I do

In the spirit of this thread, if I change to the 2 second rule, can I use analog or does my Harley now need digital time?

I am forever impressed with the topics we find to discuss. I just can hardly wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

Old school guys probably just said to themself, “one, two” and called it good hoping it didn’t void their warranty.

Thanks for giving me a smile, maybe the world isn’t going to hell.

BrandonSmith 04-11-2024 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by son of the hounds;[url=tel:21642388
21642388[/url]]In the spirit of this thread, if I change to the 2 second rule, can I use analog or does my Harley now need digital time?

I am forever impressed with the topics we find to discuss. I just can hardly wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

Old school guys probably just said to themself, “one, two” and called it good hoping it didn’t void their warranty.

Thanks for giving me a smile, maybe the world isn’t going to hell.

I do what I can brother!!

Trucky911 04-11-2024 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by Calif Fat Bob (Post 21641861)
It's the same as standing at the urinal. Empty it out, shake it a bit to get the last few drops out, then button it up! :D

If you shake more then twice you are paying with it....LOL...

Sorry already posted.....

Timberwolf2017 04-11-2024 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by Bone Doc (Post 21642262)
It depends, Brandon. If you use new oil from the same container to lube the O-ring on the new filter then you need to let it drip two more drops than you normally would to compensate for the oil lost on the O-ring. If you use old oil on the O-ring then however you normally do it.

It doesn't matter how many times you let it drip. The last drop always ends up in your shorts.

Wrong, your not shaking it enough. You have to shake it till a drop flies up and then down, then again to make sure it's the last drop.:icon_urinal:

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