I'm just east of concord. Kinda funny. This bike was ordered from former harley dealer in keene. Griswalds. Closed back late 80s I think. And I don't ride it and leave it out of my sight. Some like it some don't.
I don't have it for political reasons at all. It's sentimental to me. If people don't like it to bad. Look the other way. I work hard pay my taxes. But I have to look the other way to all the welfare checks.
if it's possible would love to meet up some where to see it. i think it's cool piece of history . i have been wanting to make a trip over to concord harley , to get a poker chip for my collection.
if it's possible would love to meet up some where to see it. i think it's cool piece of history . i have been wanting to make a trip over to concord harley , to get a poker chip for my collection.
Hi. I'm sure I could meet up over there. Be a couple weeks at least. Working a lot lately. Also planning to go to bike week. Are you? What do you ride for bike now?