I'm 62 years old and my wife Sherry is 61. Both of us have been riding since we were 12 years old. We both grew up together in a small town in SW Oklahoma. She rode a Cushman Eagle and I rode a Mustang Stallion.
We ride together,now.
thats a real nice picture!! I'm guessing that you didn't use a "brownie" to take it! Nice pic, you can really notice the professionalism in it.
Thanks Charlie. It's interesting because in fact the picture was a smaller section from a not so tidy image which I Photoshopped. It was taken on a modest Canon Ixus digital compact. 20 years ago I was still using film in a Hasselblad 6x6 and shooting weddings on 36 shots which which had to matter and often only 3 or 4 were rejected for the customer's final set. 10 years ago I had gone digital and using Nikon to cover the events on up to 1000 shots, many which could be rejected to leave the best and those remaining often photoshopped to further improve. I have seen photography make great strides in my lifetime, as I'm sure we all have seen technology leap forward in all situations. Basic compositional principles still are central, mind! Each to their own I suppose - I admire my 'oldie' contemporaries who can take a motorcycle apart and reassemble - sadly I cannot!
...gone digital and using Nikon to cover the events on up to 1000 shots, many which could be rejected to leave the best and those remaining often photoshopped to further improve...
Nice pic! The comment about "up to 1000 shots" reminded me of my daughter's wedding a couple of years ago. They had 3 photographers covering it and they took over 4,000 shots -- took over a month to do the editting and get the final product.