Dale when are you going to share the fish? I woke up hungry this morning.
didn't last long, Mike. I won't even begin to tell you how good it was*.
Apparently the bigger the salmon the better the taste. And 15 lbs is on the large size for coho salmon!
*OK- I took the fillet, wiped it down with mayo, covered in onions and garlic, put back bacon on top of that, wrapped in foil, and grilled on the BBQ. It was definitely the CAKE of fishes!
at least once a year we take 281 out of San Antonio up to marble falls then we take random roads and have a blast on da back roads way back home we hit antones or the green mesquite in my younger days I took time to hit hippie hollow to old for that tom foolery now hahahahahaha yea west of weird has some fine roads.