Conelys gen 2 retro t sport bags. Almost brand new
Conelys gen 2 retro t sport bags. Almost brand new
Unfortunately something came up and I need to sell some stuff. Bought the bags almost exactly a month ago for street vibes this year. Bags were only mounted on my bike for the ride to Reno and the ride home. No rips, tears fading or any signs of wear on the bags, they are basically brand new minus the 6 hours they were mounted on my bike for the ride there and ride home. I have all of the brackets and I have all of the mounting hardware that you have to buy from conelys to mount them to your bike. These are their updated design with the different zippers and what not. I believe they have lifetime warrantys on them now also. My loss is your gain. The bags cost me 770 and the docking hardware for the bags was 110 so that is 880 before tax and shipping. Shoot me your best offer. Looking for 500 plus shipping.
Unfortunately something came up and I need to sell some stuff. Bought the bags almost exactly a month ago for street vibes this year. Bags were only mounted on my bike for the ride to Reno and the ride home. No rips, tears fading or any signs of wear on the bags, they are basically brand new minus the 6 hours they were mounted on my bike for the ride there and ride home. I have all of the brackets and I have all of the mounting hardware that you have to buy from conelys to mount them to your bike. These are their updated design with the different zippers and what not. I believe they have lifetime warrantys on them now also. My loss is your gain. The bags cost me 770 and the docking hardware for the bags was 110 so that is 880 before tax and shipping. Shoot me your best offer. Looking for 500 plus shipping.
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Multi-Fit Parts and Accessories
09-10-2012 05:14 PM