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Old 04-17-2014, 07:41 AM
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ChristoHD.... Thanks for explanation. Please clarify in you example above, when you begin your riide, do you have to select each trip individually (i.e. Funday1 when you leave home, Funday2 when you leave the HD dealer, ....) or can you just select the generci Funday and the GPS will then take you to the dealer, diner, car show and home, without having to select each individual stop as you leave your current location?
When I recreated your example in RP and imported into the GPS, it created Funday, Funday1, Funday2,Funday3, Funday4. I'm assuming Funday is the entire trip and I would only have to select it instead of each individual sub-trip?
Old 04-17-2014, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by ChristoHD
Waypoints - you can see on Rideplanner, you will not see them when importing into the HD GPS. Waypoints are corrections or forced modifications you set or create while planning a route because the RP and GPS route calc engine is creating a route you do not like where or how it is going. Think of waypoints as ghost thumbtacks your placing in/on your route so you can either take the roads you want or avoid the ones you don't want.

POI - these are stops, places you want to go. Using RP you can have as many of these as you want, BUT the HD GPS on the bike will look at these as trips or stops.

The HD GPS - does not show you waypoints, only POI's.

So, for example, I am planning a ride, and for this I will keep it simple...

Start - home
1st stop (POI) - HD dealer
2nd stop (POI) - lunch at local diner
3rd stop (POI) - car show
4th stop (POI) - home

Now you set this up using your RidePlanner software or basecamp. You plug in or plot these on the map. Then RP or BC using their own GPS calculation engines determine the route based on those 5 POIs . But you do not like the route, takes you through a bad neighborhood, maybe toll roads, whatever it is you want to change it.

1st let me address one thing, you see this as one trip, but the HD GPS sees this as 4 trips as such:

1. Home to HD dealer
2. HD dealer to diner
3. Diner to car show
4. Car show to home

Ya with me so far? So even if at this point you have not created any other mods to the trip (we have not created our waypoints yet) and we export this out of RP or BC to our thumb drive and you name this trip "funday" and go to your bike and start the import routine you will get a list of 4 routes (funday1, funday2, funday3, funday4) and 4 POIs (home, dealer, car show place, home) that HD GPS software will see.

You will just import the 4 trips; funday1, funday2, funday3, funday4. Unless any of those POIs are custom (but we will save that for another discussion).

Now understand something here at this point... We have 4 routes consisting of point A and point B data - NOTHING IN BETWEEN, and that is it. So when the HD GPS reads these points it will calculate the route based on your GPS settings/preferences of scenic, faster time, shorter distance, twisties, etc, getting me so far?

Now let's go back to our RP or BC route planing software and using the same trip let's make some route modifications. Let's say that from your house to the dealership the GPS route calc engine took you through the hood, on a tollway, and through an industrial park. So now you start creating waypoints to force route changes to the GPS' auto route calc engine. And for this example let's say we had to use 8 WPs to change the route from your house to the dealer to something you liked.

We make some similar route mods between the dealer and the diner, but this time it only took 2 waypoints to make the route how we wanted it.

The rest of the trip is AOK based on what the GPS calc engine routed.

So now you have your same 4 trips which consists of the same places but now with 10 waypoints.

1. Home to HD dealer - 8 waypoints
2. HD dealer to diner - 2 waypoints
3. Diner to car show
4. Car show to home

So now you save, export to t-drive, go to bike and start the import process again...

You will see exactly the same thing again as I described earlier, 4 routes labeled route-name 1, 2, 3, 4, and then the POIs. Just import the numbered routes.

NOW - when you select your route in the HD GPS, those waypoints are embedded in each of those 4 trips (well two of them anyway, house to dealer (funday1) and then dealer to diner (funday2)), so when the HD GPS calculates the route using the starting point on funday1 from house to dealer, it sees those embedded waypoints and knows to calculate its route based on your settings AND having to consider the waypoints you set up for that trip, and the same for our second trip.


And to be honest I have yet to "see" the waypoints on a route once the HD GPS has done it's calculating. Something I intend to mess with soon.

I have been working on a little tutorial, almost done I will post, this should help clear things up for a lot of folks.



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Old 04-17-2014, 09:08 AM
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thanks a ton christoHD. that explains a bunch and fills most of the gaps. sure would be a lot easier if the waypoints (road selections) that were chosen show up. i'm going to play with this some and see where I end up, literally.

MoCo offers a riders class, maybe they should offer an infotainment class? to much trial-n-error.

Well I don't know what I did differently today than yesterday, other than downloading the gpx directly to my jump drive, but I now have a route from point a to b via waypoints 1,2,&3.

Last edited by skybox ed; 04-17-2014 at 09:44 AM. Reason: results
Old 04-17-2014, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by wwglide
ChristoHD.... Thanks for explanation. Please clarify in you example above, when you begin your riide, do you have to select each trip individually (i.e. Funday1 when you leave home, Funday2 when you leave the HD dealer, ....) or can you just select the generci Funday and the GPS will then take you to the dealer, diner, car show and home, without having to select each individual stop as you leave your current location?
When I recreated your example in RP and imported into the GPS, it created Funday, Funday1, Funday2,Funday3, Funday4. I'm assuming Funday is the entire trip and I would only have to select it instead of each individual sub-trip?
This is exactly the issue everyone REALLY has with this software on the HD GPS.

The short answer is yes. You have to select each leg of the trip. Finish one leg, then select the next one, and so on.

But let's clear something up - which was an issue I experienced as well based on your comment "When I recreated your example in RP and imported into the GPS, it created Funday, Funday1, Funday2,Funday3, Funday4. I'm assuming Funday is the entire trip and I would only have to select it instead of each individual sub-trip?"

When you FIRST open the import - you are presented with funday - you select funday and THEN you are presented with the list which should be:

POI - Home
POI - Dealer
POI - Diner
POI - Car Show
POI - Home

There is NO funday1. You should only see the legs of the trip and the POI's.

Please double check this one more time. I did this morning to make sure and this is what I got.

You then select ONLY the legs; funday, funday2, funday3, funday4 - and then import.

Now you go to the Nav - select the destination, which in this example is funday, for the first leg of your trip. Once you get to the dealer it will be done, buy your HD parts and clothes, shoot **** with service and parts guys, KEEP WALKING past that new 2014 with the color you really wanted - get on your bike, turn on, wait for the nav system to load, then select funday2 for the diner trip.

So now for each of those "legs" you can have up to 9 waypoints to adjust your route.

So potentially for this trip if we modified each of those legs with the max, you would have a total of 36 waypoints, and 8 POI's.

Making sense?

Last edited by ChristoHD; 04-26-2014 at 04:52 PM.
Old 04-17-2014, 11:47 AM
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From the articles I posted the links to earlier on in this thread, this is something VERY important - read what I have in bold italic:

The H-D® Ride Planner is a very useful tool for creating ride routes. There are however, a few quirks that you will want to keep in mind. First, the Ride Planner will use the name you give the route as the name that will be displayed on the Infotainment Nav. The Infotainment Nav has a name character limit of 16 characters. The second quirk makes this an important point to remember. The Ride Planner will break your route into "legs" based on your Stops. If, for example, you create a route with 4 Stops the Ride Planner will download the route in 4 legs. The legs will be named using the name you have given the ride, plus a space and digit. Ride names that are too long will be truncated on the Infortainment Nav display, making it hard to determine the leg you need to select. Whenever possible, use a short name for your ride.
Old 04-17-2014, 12:27 PM
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Ok - so let's dig a tad deeper and get into the actual using of the route we just planned and what to expect - shall we?

So at this point we have now imported our 4 legs of our trip with their waypoints, the custom POI's (if any, but in this example there are none), and we are ready to start the 1st leg of our trip....

I am going to test out two theories today and post my findings...

1. How does the HD GPS show and handle Via Points/Waypoints when on the correct route
2. How does the HD GPS show and handle Via Points/Waypoints when you deviate from the course planned but still going towards final destination of the planned route.
3. POI's that exist already in the system and custom POI's - what works and what doesn't.

Stay tuned for the next installment...

Last edited by ChristoHD; 04-17-2014 at 12:30 PM.
Old 04-17-2014, 02:00 PM
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Silly question but how do I delete a saved route?
Old 04-17-2014, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by ChristoHD
Ok - so let's dig a tad deeper and get into the actual using of the route we just planned and what to expect - shall we?

So at this point we have now imported our 4 legs of our trip with their waypoints, the custom POI's (if any, but in this example there are none), and we are ready to start the 1st leg of our trip....

I am going to test out two theories today and post my findings...

1. How does the HD GPS show and handle Via Points/Waypoints when on the correct route
2. How does the HD GPS show and handle Via Points/Waypoints when you deviate from the course planned but still going towards final destination of the planned route.
3. POI's that exist already in the system and custom POI's - what works and what doesn't.

Stay tuned for the next installment...
So the testing went like this - first understand that "Waypoints" when used for manipulating routes on my "other" GPS' can be set to not alert on arrival and become just shaping points, you see them as you approach but they are not considered places to go, or stop, they are a just a point used for route perfecting. If you pass them or miss them the "other" GPS knows to continue calculating the route based on your final destination and what remaining WP's you have left till your final POI...or stopping point.

It looks like (MUCH to my disappointment) The HD GPS thinks that the waypoints are destinations and therefore you have to arrive at them, run them over, touch them, which IMO is an issue and no bueno.

My test today - real easy straight route but used WP's to force the route to take another road. The route calced as I wanted it....

So I engaged the trip I set up through the GPS and was on my way. I decided that I will take another road to see what the HD GPS would do. As I passed my WP, the GPS said recalculating. And as others have posted in other threads here - even though I was still on my way to my final stop or POI, the HD GPS kept trying to recalculate to force me to go through, or to my WP. I think this needs some adjusting. If I pass my WP - then recalculate based on my direction and destination or prompt me - Hey do you still want to go to this WP? Yes/No - I can select yes and the system works as designed currently, or I select no and it skips it - why do I have to take my eyes off the road and fumble with the Nav Menu to find the next Via Point or WayPoint....? Know what I am saying'? :-)

Make POI's places where we have to go and WP's as references only for route calculations, or give the ability to make a WP just a reference point for route shaping and allow the HD GPS to not alert on arrival and ignor it as a destination.

Now the "funny" thing is when you import your trip, initially, you do not see these WP's during the import - they are not listed. Once imported and you are ready to activate the trip, you now see in the list of your chosen route/trip your POI's (starting point and end point) and the WP's are now called Via Points.

So now you could have two school's of thought:

POI's as starting and end points using WP's as route guides, but you better hit them on your route or know how to get into your Nav menu and tell it to skip to the next WP/Via Point...


POI's as starting and end points, using WP's/Via Points as your subsequent stops, but do not exceed 9 of them in one trip and you better hit them on your route or know how to get into the Nav menu to force the system to jump to next point and you better be happy with the roads that the HD GPS routes you through. :-)

So we do have to learn some of the quirks - and I do hope HD is listening, cause this could be a tad unsafe - the rider should not have to worry so much about the GPS, and it should be a tad more intuitive. They have some work to do. Hopefully soon they will have another update.

Last edited by ChristoHD; 04-26-2014 at 04:47 PM.
Old 04-17-2014, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by ChristoHD
3. POI's that exist already in the system and custom POI's - what works and what doesn't.
Do not try and import already named POI's - like Harley Dealers etc. Also if you do set up a route with POI's/addresses - there is no need to reimport them.

So if we go back to our little example earlier, the addresses you used for the dealer, diner, car show, are all in the routes/trips you imported, so you do not need to select those upon import.

Just the 4 routes - they contain that data already.
Old 04-17-2014, 05:10 PM
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Originally Posted by UppercaseJC
Silly question but how do I delete a saved route?
Go to the saved route, select it. On the right of the screen you will see a trash icon - select it - viola!

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