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68 XLCH 04-03-2018 09:27 AM

Your on the right track, rehab is an important program, you exercise, they monitor you, build up your cardio, in a safe environment so you know that the surgery was a success and now you can get back to doing everything without concern.

I've been taking 325 mg aspirin for 23 years, and four years ago i completed all 7 stages of the stress test. I spend 75 minutes each morning on the tread mill, light wts every other day.

The key is consistency and gradual increase in time or distance until you reach a reasonable workout, for me its 75 min on the tread mill and hope i have a good show, boxing or something else that takes my mind off of being on a tread mill.

Outside walking, jogging (if your joints can take it), swimming are all good.

I'm 72.

Best of luck.

BigMike 04-03-2018 09:41 AM

I've been on blood thinners since 2006 for AFIB. I started with coumadin then Prodaxa and now Eliquis. I don't notice any additional bleeding from cuts than I did before taking the meds. My doctor said the most important body part to protect is my head. I live in a helmet state so that isn't a worry but I still ride without a helmet when I go to Daytona Bike Week.

You can't live your life in a glass bubble.

67Shuv 04-03-2018 09:45 AM

My dad made a 4K mile trip with me at the age of 65, 5 months after bypass surgery. He said he hadn't felt that good in at least a decade. He hated he put it off and wish he had let the doc operate months sooner. I'm a believer that your 60's are supposed to be the best years of your life. Make that so.

Markymannn 04-03-2018 04:52 PM

Originally Posted by 68 XLCH (Post 17239609)
I spend 75 minutes each morning on the tread mill,

I'm 72.

Best of luck.

Well I respect the heck out of that. Not bad

not a sock 04-03-2018 07:14 PM

Originally Posted by bigmike (Post 17239680)
i've been on blood thinners since 2006 for afib. I started with coumadin then prodaxa and now eliquis. I don't notice any additional bleeding from cuts than i did before taking the meds. My doctor said the most important body part to protect is my head. I live in a helmet state so that isn't a worry but i still ride without a helmet when i go to daytona bike week.

You can't live your life in a glass bubble.


pswomack 04-03-2018 07:38 PM

Massive MI in Aug. 2012 Left Arterial Descending also known as (The Widow Maker) 95% don't live, I'm a 5%er, 1 stent. Skip forward to April 2016, another MI in the Right Arterial Descending and Circumflex, 1 stent in Right, 2 stents in Circumflex, so I have a total of 4 stents.
I take Plavix 3 times a week and an 81 mg coated aspirin every day, I still ride and am not going to stop, I have always been what they call a "Free Bleeder" a minor cut and it looks like a bloodbath, but I carry a First Aid kit and Wound Sealer.
You have to decide what is best for you, but I'm not going to let blood thinners stop me from something I enjoy doing!

lh4x4 04-03-2018 10:24 PM

Your choice if you want to look out the window to life passing by or get out on the road and lead the charge.

My choice at 77 with two heart attacks, nerve damage, no balance and many other issuers is to head out and go toward the horizon. I may make it or I may not. I live for today and not tomorrow.

ev780 04-04-2018 12:18 PM

You could just as easily fall in the bathtub!

So the question is; do you want to be washing off road dust from a ride or Cheetle dust after the Pawn Stars marathon?

Erilflynn 04-04-2018 02:54 PM

Triple bypass last August. On blood thinners. Back on the bike 10 weeks later. Can’t worry about it anymore than negotiating 5 lanes of traffic during rush hour. **** it for better or worse.

st john 04-04-2018 05:57 PM

With all the great advice you are getting means nothing if you have not provided all the information. The one advice you are leaving out is: Your future in riding is all up to your significant other, not you, not your doctor, and not this forum.

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