YouTuber’s First Ride After Accident is a 2020 Road King

YouTuber’s First Ride After Accident is a 2020 Road King

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Having access to a shiny, new bike after a wreck can make swinging a leg back over the saddle that much easier.

The hardest ride for any motorcyclist is the first ride after an accident. Your mind is filled with fear and uncertainty. Your body is battered and sore. After getting out alive from your last accident, you may worry that you might not be so lucky next time.

It takes a lot of bravery to get back on the horse after a bad wreck, but that’s just what YouTuber Flip Na has decided to do. He calls it his redemption ride. As he says, “I can not let the fear get the best of me.” We admire his dedication to motorcycling — ride on, brother!

YouTuber's First Ride After Accident is a 2020 Road King

Of course, he’s got a very nice bike at his disposal — a brand new 2020 Harley-Davidson Road King, belonging to a friend. He’s borrowing it until he gets his post-accident bike situation sorted out. Some friend, right?

Just What I Needed

Despite his initial misgivings, it doesn’t take long for him to start enjoying himself. He says, “There’s something about a V-twin. There will always be something about a V-twin.” The magical healing powers of a Harley even inspire him to start cheerily singing “I’m on a Harley again, I’m on a Harley again!” We understand the feeling.

Of course, he really misses his Sportster. He was hit by an inattentive motorist while on his Sportster about a month before this video was filmed. At this point, his beloved Sportster’s fate is uncertain. We hope that he’s able to get it fixed. At the very least, we hope he can find a great Harley to replace it.

YouTuber's First Ride After Accident is a 2020 Road King

After a little while, he exclaims “I love motorcycles!” It’s a pure expression of joy, and a sharp contrast from his nervous, somewhat somber tone in the beginning of the video. We’re happy that he’s happy.

YouTuber's First Ride After Accident is a 2020 Road King

Sometimes, a close call or an accident can make you reconsider riding. It happens to all of us. A relaxing ride with a trusted friend might be just what the doctor ordered. Stay safe out there!

Photo: Harley-Davidson

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Cam VanDerHorst has been a contributor to Internet Brands' Auto Group sites for over three years, with his byline appearing on Ford Truck Enthusiasts, Corvette Forum, JK Forum, and Harley-Davidson Forums, among others. In that time, he's also contributed to Autoweek, The Drive, and Scale Auto Magazine.

He bought his first car at age 14 -- a 1978 Ford Mustang II -- and since then he’s amassed an impressive and diverse collection of cars, trucks, and motorcycles, including a 1996 Ford Mustang SVT Mystic Cobra (#683) and a classic air-cooled Porsche 911.

In addition to writing about cars and wrenching on them in his spare time, he enjoys playing music (drums and ukulele), building model cars, and tending to his chickens.

You can follow Cam, his cars, his bikes, and his chickens at @camvanderhorst on Instagram.