Who Wants to Try Motorcycle Chariot Racing?

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Motorcycle chariot racing has been around since at least the early 1920s according to a published report in Popular Mechanics magazine.

Apparently, some of the earliest motorcycle chariot races took place at the Crystal Palace in London back in the day. There’s not a lot of information on the sport but here’s what we know.

Motorcycle chariot racing was popular in the United States, Europe and even Australia. The first races involved a motorcyclist pulling a man in a chariot and later the sport eventually evolved into a rider in a chariot being pulled by a riderless motorcycle or motorcycles.

Reins from the driver’s hands to the handlebars of the bikes controlled the speed and direction of the motorized chariots. It looks like a hell of a lot more fun, which also makes you wonder how the heck do they stop them? If anyone knows or owns one, please let us know.


New South Wales police in Australia circa 1936

Here are some videos, photos and links from our friends at Riding Vintage that was found on the InternetThey might be helpful in case you are looking to build something of your own in your garage this winter.

Happy riding!

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