Washington State’s New Motorcycle PSA

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The state of Washington has released a new PSA video targeting inattentive drivers.

The eight-minute-long film starts by showing a young driver cruising the streets, eating and listening to loud music in their car. Why they chose not to have the kid texting and reading Facebook on his phone is beyond us.

When he turns into the path of a motorcyclist traveling the opposite direction, time stops, giving both the driver and rider a chance to exit their vehicles and talk to each another.

After some initial frustration,albeit warranted, Randy the motorcyclist gets in the car with Ian and teaches him the basics of driving when sharing the road with motorcyclists. The lessons include looking twice before turning and giving motorcycles more space when following.

The focus on the differences between perceiving the speed of a car and a motorcycle are fairly well done. Teaching them to use a car going in the same direction as a gauge might have helped. In the video you can see a car going the same speed.

The tone of making motorcycles seem even more unsafe in the video is a little frustrating. Drivers who think that rules and regulations will make motorcycles safer or that putting hi-viz and more lights on a bike is the answer will still believe that.

The two eventually return to their vehicles and the inevitable crash takes place. The personalization of the rider to the driver is powerful and moving. When we drive we are always worried about ourselves, but we need to look out for others just as much!

The YouTube video has already been viewed over 200,000 times in just a few weeks.