Tuesday Stunts – Fail Edition Streetfighterz

Tuesday Stunts – Fail Edition Streetfighterz

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Normally we share videos with perfectly executed stunts, flawless performances of power and balance done at speed.

Today’s stunt video is all the times they failed making those picture perfect videos we usually see. They aren’t all Harley’s in the video but there are several Sportsters in need of major repairs.

The images and crashes in this video are exactly why I keep both wheels on the ground. I think a wheelie is pretty cool and I did them all the time on my pedal bike as a kid. I also over rotated, slammed into the ground, and occasionally wiped out trying to show off. My pedal bike was $50, my motorcycle is a lot more. Seems easy to figure out I don’t want to pay to repair my motorcycle.

How about you?