Don’t Buy a Harley Davidson Before You Read This

Don’t Buy a Harley Davidson Before You Read This

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Don't Buy a Harley Davidson Before You Read This

Check Out These Tried-and-True Tips for Buying That HD You’ve Always Wanted

Hundreds of stories have been written offering tips on buying motorcycles, but most of them are written by sales people.

I hereby certify I am not a sales person. I’m just a guy who has bought a good many motorcycles and turned down many more bogus offers from salesmen with shifty eyes and golden tongues.

I pay attention when money is on the line, and I’ve learned some things the hard way. So here are just a few tips, which you can of course take or leave.

Don't Buy a Harley Davidson Before You Read This

Not Your Buddy

That glad-handing salesman is not your friend. He will try to convince you it’s you and him against the management. He will say things like “Let me see if I can go convince the boss. I’m gonna get you the best deal.”

Not true. Don’t fall for it. He will try to get you the worst deal. The worse the deal is for you, the better it is for him. Sales people make money on commission. He and the boss will be in the back room scheming about how to take the most money out of your wallet.

Having said that, don’t be a jerk. You can drive a hard bargain and still be friendly. Most professional salesmen are human and human nature dictates that they are slightly more likely to give you a better deal if they like you.

Don't Buy a Harley Davidson Before You Read This

Careful With the Sales Manager

Eventually, the sales manager will probably get involved. You’re supposed to be impressed by this. Don’t be. He’s just a guy who has sold a lot of overpriced Harley Davidsons to naive saps, and he will try to do the same with you.

He may bring you some written numbers. There are two things you want to do here: Try hard not to laugh out loud, and NEVER accept the initial offer, unless you are Elon Musk and have most of the money that’s circulating in the world today.

At some point, if you are doing a good job of negotiating, the sales people are going to drop their friendly facade and act exasperated and say “Look, what is your best deal, the deal that will make you drive this beautiful motorcycle off the lot today?”

Don't Buy a Harley Davidson Before You Read This

Have Your Bottom Line Ready

You can go two ways at this point: You can have your actual “bottom line,” the number at which you will not go any lower. Or – if you’re not sick of negotiating at this point – you can give them a number that you can fudge a little, make it seem like you’re going over your bottom dollar. Doesn’t hurt to act a little exasperated yourself at this point.

Do NOT be afraid to walk out of the office and even off the lot. There is a good chance they’ll hunt you down with bloodhounds. I’ve bought three bikes this way, twice when a salesman came after me as I was walking to my bike, and another time when I was in my car and got a phone call from the sales manager before I hit the first red light.

My wife couldn’t stop laughing.

Photos: Pexels

Tim McDonald is an experienced, award-winning journalist and feature
writer. He has covered news and features as far north as Alaska and
south to Key West and even beyond to Trinidad and Tobago, where he was
a foreign correspondent for the Associated Press. Along the way, he
has garnered numerous writing and reporting awards on a variety of
beats. He is an avid motorcycle rider and a confirmed fan of Harley
Davidson motorcycles, having owned over a dozen. He currently sports a
2020 Heritage 114 and a 2012 Sportster 1200 Custom in his garage.