Spring Fever: Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Spring Fever: Where the Rubber Meets the Road

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Next we have tires. They have a tendency to lose air over the winter, and even if they look fine, should be checked. 

Even though they’re the only part actually designed to touch the road, tires are probably one of the most ignored things on a motorcycle, and you should already be in the habit of checking them regularly. Not only will proper inflation help your gas mileage, it could well save your life in a corner. 

The minimum tread depth you should have in the center of your tires is 2/32″. In English, that can be explained by using our much-maligned lowest unit of currency. Take a penny, and insert Lincoln head first into the tread. If part of Lincoln’s head is covered, you still have at least the recommended trea depth left on your tires. Anything else, get them replaced–it’s likely they’re unsafe.

More on What to Check Before Hitting the Road >>