How to Ford Rivers on a Motorcycle with a Sidecar

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It seems that every other week, we get a new video from the Russian Republic of people doing just straight up crazy or badass things. Why, because Russia people, and this next video is no different.

Now, when fording a river, one usually likes to have a Jeep or something akin to a Jeep with a snorkel so as to not flood the engine. However, as mentioned above, this is Russia, and in Russia, river can ford you! With that said, these intrepid and bat crap crazy Russian’s don’t have a Jeep or something like a Jeep. They have Ural motorcycles, complete with sidecars. Because, Russia.

Now, I won’t spoil what happens, but seriously Russia? Is this the best way to cross a river over there? Or do all your citizens have death wishes because life in Russia sucks so hard. At the same time, I have to tip my proverbial hat to these gentlemen. They are badasses of the highest order. Take a look.

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