Video: This is Why You Don’t Ride Solo

Video: This is Why You Don’t Ride Solo

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You know the feeling. You get the itch to ride, to feel the wind in your face, to hit the open road and tackle some curves. Next thing you know you’re out the door and behind the handlebars.

But there’s one thing to always keep in mind—do you simply take off on your own, or do you call up your buddies and see who’s down for a ride? You know the latter can take some time and be somewhat of a pain in the ass. Well, there are many reasons why riding solo isn’t smart, but having a helping hand in case of a disaster strikes is the most important one.

That’s the case in this YouTube video by mr apple castle, where we can see a group of various kinds of motorcycles riding together on a windy road, when all of the sudden two Harley riders happen to stumble on a hairpin and fall into a ditch at full force.

As you follow the video you can tell that although it wasn’t a high speed collision, it was certainly a very dangerous one considering the angle at which the riders fell. The possibility for broken shoulders, backs and even necks were certainly possible.

Thankfully the rest of the riders that witnessed the accident pulled over to help, and so did a few other good samaritans on cars. Had a Harley been riding alone and fallen deep into the ditch, who knows how long it would’ve taken for someone to notice the fallen bike and rider.

Whether it is on the highway, back roads, or even busy city streets, danger is always present, and the more you can prepare for it the better off you’ll be.

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Jerry Perez is a regular contributor to Ford Truck Enthusiasts, Corvette Forum, and 6SpeedOnline, among other auto sites.