Reckless Wolf Launches “Biker” Lingerie Collection

Reckless Wolf Launches “Biker” Lingerie Collection

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biker babe sitting down

Reckless Wolf, a UK lingerie maker, newly released a collection called Biker. The collection consists of 22 pieces to cover and excite. Reckless Wolf is “Made for the modern independent girl with a cheeky wild side,” and made in the UK.


biker babe on the back of a bike

Because I’m a man of the people, dear reader, I wanted to bring you this important and tantalizing announcement. You can find more pictures and details at the Reckless Wolf website, and Facebook page.


biker babe standing with leather jacket

The lingerie tends towards the higher end in quality and pricing spectrum. These are not your everyday underoos. Items tend to be on par or cheaper than something like Agent Provocateur, if that helps. If you didn’t know about that brand, check out their collections while not at work.
Harley biker babe

All photography by Stefan Sieler.

Jason Channell is HD Forum's most Texan contributor. He likes long rides in search of Texas brisket, playing Led Zeppelin at absurd volumes, and creating graphs that go up.