The Race of Gentlemen 2016 is a Huge Hipster Convention

The Race of Gentlemen 2016 is a Huge Hipster Convention

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Vintage leather boots, vintage Harleys, vintage hot rods, and lots of beards and old t-shirts is exactly what you’ll find at the 2016 Race of Gentlemen.


Taking place on the beautiful boardwalk of Wildwood, New Jersey, the 2016 Race of Gentlemen is designed to invite the public to get up close to the various motorcycles built by racers, shop owners and hardcore fans overall.

The event has grown in popularity in recent years and is also known as TROG, and it pays homage to American racing heritage, as well as the bikes the played protagonist to many success stories throughout history.

Another characteristic that makes the Race of Gentlemen unique, is the fact that it’s also open to vintage cars and hot rods.

The organizers emphasize that this is an event completely designed around the fans, and everyone simply wants to have a good time, which is also why they’ve brought an iconic “Wall of Death” stunt.


If listening to sweet bands, drinking good beer, watching cars and motorcycles race on the beach is your type of thing, don’t let the overwhelming hipster look of the whole thing turn you off, the Race of Gentlemen looks like a truly unique event.

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Video via: [Deadbeat Customs]


Jerry Perez is a regular contributor to Ford Truck Enthusiasts, Corvette Forum, and 6SpeedOnline, among other auto sites.