No-Brainer Report: Top Reasons Harleys Are Better Than Crotch Rockets

No-Brainer Report: Top Reasons Harleys Are Better Than Crotch Rockets

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Top Five Reasons Harleys Are Better Than Crotch Rockets Top Five Reasons Harleys Are Better Than Crotch Rockets

by Pete Schultz
HD Forums

We’ve all had the Harley vs. sportbike argument. And if you haven’t, you will now.

Sure, it’s not the most original subject to argue about. And it solves almost as much as pissing into the wind. But there’s a good reason it’ll never go away. It’s damn entertaining–and more so when it’s done in good fun.

Of course, there’s a whole group of folks who subscribe to the whole “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” school of reasoning. I can hear my mom saying it now. But if I listened to everything she said, I’d never have started riding motorcycles in the first place. So here we go…

Reason #5: At Some Point, You Might Want to Trade Up                  >>>>