Potty-Mouthed Harley-Davidson Rider Taken Down by His Mom!

Potty-Mouthed Harley-Davidson Rider Taken Down by His Mom!

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Imagine cruising the streets on your beloved Harley-Davidson Sportster, when all of a sudden you’re rear-ended at full speed. To make things even worse, once you get up and look around, you realize it was your own Mom who committed the heinous act!

Lucky for us, Jake, as his Mom calls him in this YouTube video uploaded by NNOONE, happened to be wearing a helmet-cam and now we have footage of the entire crazy thing. What makes this story even more ironic, is that his Mom told him just five minutes prior to the accident, to “drive safe and watch out for idiots.” Maybe Mom should take her own advice!

Thankfully, Jake was able to leap off the Harley at the moment of impact, landing on his feet and immediately beginning to pace in frustration while his Mother tried to apologize. “Oh my god Jake!” the poor woman says.

If you ever think your day is heading in the wrong direction, watch this video. At least you weren’t hit by your own Mother while out enjoying a ride on your Harley.


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