London Thieves Brazenly Steal Motorcycle and Throw Acid on Cameraman

London Thieves Brazenly Steal Motorcycle and Throw Acid on Cameraman

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It takes a pair of brass balls and zero f***s to steal someone’s motorcycle. It takes an added level of psychopathy to do it in broad daylight and viciously attack someone that tries to stop you from doing it.

That is exactly what happened when moto vlogger Royal Jordanian when he tried to do the right thing by preventing a Yamaha R1 from getting jacked by four jerks in an underground garage.

In the two-minute video below, shot on Royal Jordanian’s helmet cam, a gang of four guys infiltrate the garage with an angle grinder and proceed to cut the disc brake, Almax series 4 chain, and Squire locks off the sports bike.

Despite laying on the horn and revving his engine to alert bystanders to the crime, the thieves were successful in stealing the motorcycle. In a last-ditch attempt to prevent the thieves from getting away, Royal Jordanian gave chase. He was flanked on his right side by two of the thieves on a scooter. As they rode by, they tossed acid onto Royal Jordanian which forced him to lose balance and lay down his bike. It was this moment where he claimed to have sustained a broken arm.

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Commenting on the video, a witness described the robbers as “two dark-skinned males around 5 ft 10 and a light skinned 3rd male around 6 ft 2.”

“I was on the edge of the parking lot when I saw them scurrying out of the parking center with the bike in tow,” he added. “I also saw them drop what looked like a small science vial which now makes sense seeing as they threw it at Bravo Biker, the smell from the vial was definitely hydrochloric acid or sulfuric as they smell the same.”

thievesGetting your bike stolen sucks and Royal Jordanian himself went through the same ordeal with his original Husqvarna Nuda last year. It is probably why he chose to make this crime public by posting it on YouTube.

The R1’s owner also posted the case on Facebook so if you want to check out the missing bike in detail or provide him some information you can do it there.

Unfortunately, all the thieves managed to get away and vanish on the streets of London, which is surprising seeing as though London is the most camera-laden cities in the world.



Source: Autoevolution