Latino ‘Harlistas’ Emerge as Passionate H-D Owners

Latino ‘Harlistas’ Emerge as Passionate H-D Owners

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Perhaps one of the most beautiful things about the Harley-Davidson fraternity is its acceptance to riders of all colors, races and backgrounds. And while there are always exceptions to every rule, most HOGS can get along together just fine.

Such is the case of the ‘Harlistas.’ Primarily made up of Latinos from all walks of life, the Harlistas pride themselves in their Harley-Davidson motorcycles, their gear, their customizations and everything else most Harley owners obsesses with.

Ranging from factory works, servers, lawyers and business owners, the Harlistas are all about getting their families involved in the intoxicating world that is Harley-Davidson ownership. While the term has existed for over 50 years, the Harlistas Chicago based chapter has seen considerable growth in recent years.


Claims that Harley sells four times the motorcycles to Latinos than its competitors have been made by company executive before, and judging from other major automotive and telecom companies statistics, Latinos spend more than the average consumer and are many times more loyal to brands that satisfy their needs. In other words, once they’re in, they’re more likely to stay for the long run. You can see why Harley-Davidson and many others would want a piece of that cake.

“Everybody has their own individual style and their own idea of how they want to be represented on their Harley. It’s almost like a tattoo on your body,” said Robert Miranda, a Harlista and a member of the Latin American Motorcycle Association — known as LAMA — chapter in Milwaukee.

As a Latino myself, I can understand the feeling of pride behind the ownership of a Harley or any other iconic vehicle whether it be American or foreign. It simply means that you’ve made it, and that in one way or another, all the hard work as paid off.

Viva Harlistas.

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Story and photos via: [Milwaukee JS]

Jerry Perez is a regular contributor to Ford Truck Enthusiasts, Corvette Forum, and 6SpeedOnline, among other auto sites.