Harley-Davidson Iron 1200 Impresses With Wheelies & Donuts

Harley-Davidson Iron 1200 Impresses With Wheelies & Donuts

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We all love stunts. From high-flying fun to one-wheeled antics and sideways sliding, there’s nothing not to love. After all, we all love that occasional adrenaline rush whether or not we’re the one the bike. The smell of tire smoke and the roar of a motor. Oh, and who could forget the squealing of the tires?

Today we’ll be taking a look at a video by, maciej bielicki, showing us plenty of Harley-Davidson stunts! To be more specific, the bike is a Harley-Davidson Iron 1200, and in the video we get to see the rider pop a long wheelie, spin some wild donuts, stand on the seat, and wow us with an enormous burnout. All in all, we’d say that his whole stunt circus is pretty impressive. Of course, stunts always make for a good time!

Check out the clip below and see the fun-loving stunts for yourself!

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