Ireland’s Department of Education Motorcycle PSA

Ireland’s Department of Education Motorcycle PSA

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In a land known for literal road racing, potatoes, whiskey, and for long fought battles of religious and political differences comes a motorcycle PSA that might shock you.Ireland's Department of Education Motorcycle PSA The video is courtesy the Ireland Department of Education.

This is probably one of the more sobering public service videos we have watched. There was the Washington State video with Bear that was an eye-opener—but this video uses a coffin, multiple crashes, small children and a message to get its rather depressing point across.

We can say unequivocally that this message was designed with cage drivers in mind and it’s a reminder to take that second look, to share the roads with motorcycles. Personally, I don’t think this video goes too far and maybe needs to go further with the message. What’s your take?

Here is the Washington State video to compare:

Which video do you think did a better job?