Indian Women Embracing 2-Wheel Petrol Power

Indian Women Embracing 2-Wheel Petrol Power

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An expanding motorcycle industry, mass density and oppression of women has created a perfect storm in India for a female riding culture to rise. Women covering the Indian continent  now take to motorcycles with passion, for it is the purest form of independence. Within the last couple years women have started serious riding syndicates that have grown four-fold. Riding syndicates continue to offer community as they once did when they syndicates offer riding functions, schools, tourism trips and plans to enlarge.

Across the in-depth story from Hindustan Times describes a general feeling that riding a motorcycle evens the playing field with men. Its an unspoken respect and bond that builds between motorcyclists around the world that these women are capitalizing on. One woman rider mentions that, “It doesn’t matter who you are, riding is all about confidence.” Another female rider even comments that putting on a helmet offers a form of anonymity unimaginable through any other experience. This is the kind of feelings that is making two-wheel travel so attractive to the women.

The tight knit group of women riders says that when they started in 2011 there wasn’t any guidance or platform for women when the trend got popular. So pioneering women started “Lady Bikers” in 2011 who once was a mere 15 riders is now many thousands of women across many countries. The group is seeing new spin off groups in neighboring countries with just as much enthusiasm as the women who started the group. Real world results can be seen from events like India Bike Week having ungodly growth in the last couple years with a focus of new members being women.

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