HOG WILD A Biker, a Big Mac and a Burnout

HOG WILD A Biker, a Big Mac and a Burnout

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If when you ride through the McDonald’s drive thru and then pull over to check to see if your order is correct, here is a neat trick to let them know that you are not pleased.

While this method could result in a them fixing their mistake, it is much more likely to result in a call to the police, or — in this case — an argument with management.


This guy didn’t even perform the burnout because he was angry with the fast food chain for a screw-up or bad service (or food), but rather because he was “open to suggestion” from some of the other people gathered around the parking lot.

He ends up putting his front tire right up against the building — right next to an outdoor eating area, so everyone cans see, smell, and taste the smoke — and begins to destroy his rear tire. He clearly has a blast doing it, and the cameraman also seems quite pleased.


But that isn’t even the best part of this rather low quality video. What is the best is when the manager comes storming out and backs the biker out into the parking lot. They are pointing and shouting at him, but — as most of us would — he simply take off and nearly runs the manager over on his way out!

Surprisingly, the people videotaping the whole event didn’t even know the guy, which seems to also make this a great example of peer pressure — or, rather, the need for a random rider to show off! It was a pretty great burnout though, and we think that the manager just needed to loosen up a bit.

Watch the video below and enjoy it, though we don’t necessarily recommend going hog wild the next time you’re ordering an Egg McMuffin!

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