GRINDS MY GEARS Workmanship, Quality and Salted Roads

GRINDS MY GEARS Workmanship, Quality and Salted Roads

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Hello Monday and the after Super Bowl recovery morning. Not a lot to talk about today but there are a couple things that really “Grinds My Gears” this morning.

At what point did we as a population start accepting inferior workmanship? I recently had to have some work done to a tire. The installer scratched the heck out of a wheel, didn’t put it back to my requested PSI, and failed to properly torque the bolts. Their attitude about the discrepancies made it clear that this is a common level of work and most people never know they are receiving substandard service.

Along the same lines are aftermarket accessories. Painted and powder coated parts are arriving more often with damaged finishes than without them. Again when did this become acceptable, or better yet considered a good business practice? Have we as a people gotten so lax about complaining about low quality that not enough people let these suppliers know we aren’t happy?

Another item that has been in the media news are self driving cars and automated safety devices. Can we please stop creating excuses for bad drivers. God forbid I am ever in another accident but I can’t wait for the other driver to say “My car failed to detect the vehicle” instead of “Sorry mate I didn’t see you.” I appreciate the modern amenities in cars, but truthfully if we want safer roads we need to remove them from the vehicle, not add more. Check out one of those articles here. Tell us what you think as well.

Last but not least I am definitely over winter and salted roads. We have had the threat of snow everyday for the last couple weeks and each time they have dumped truck load after truck load of salt on the roads. We have received exactly .25 inches of snow! The salt layer is thicker.

Well that’s all for this week but that feels like that’s enough!