GRINDS MY GEARS Copycats, Cellphones & Cagers

GRINDS MY GEARS Copycats, Cellphones & Cagers

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Gear Grinding

Let’s take some time to rant about a few things in the motorcycle world that currently “Grinds My Gears” as it were.

Copy cats: Harley-Davidson has had people copy their bikes for a long time. Most folks may remember the single pin crank debacle with Honda and the copying of the signature HD sound.

Today’s offenders come in the form of almost direct copies of the longest running Harley model the Sportster. Star (Yamaha) Motorcycles Bolt is probably the biggest offender. Several custom versions look so much like a Sportster that many people don’t realize the difference.

Normally we let things go but Star went so far as to re-engineer a liquid cooled motor to make it air/oil so it was even more like a Sportster. They priced in between an 883 and a 1200 with a displacement that is also in the middle. Of course being a Star it sells for thousands below that after it sits in the showrooms. To be fair I have ridden the bike and it’s a nice bike, just not a Sportster.

Cell phones and cagers: I spent the weekend riding in just above freezing temperatures and dodging morons on four wheels. Over 90% of these mobile slaloms were talking on the phone, texting on the phone, or blindly pawing at it for some unknown reason.

Nothing is better then someone almost running a light because they are typing, and then sitting at the green because they are still tapping away. One guy stopped short of the light in a turn lane. Was so intently texting he never moved forward, failing to activate the left turn light. When he finally moved forward he was confused as to why he didn’t get to go. These people not only “Grinds My Gears” they are a danger to everyone on the road.

Traffic: One thing I will never understand is traffic jams for no reason. On a multi lane highway with no accidents and no other obvious distress you suddenly are at a complete stop. Extremely dangerous when traffic behind you is still rolling at highway speeds.

When you finally get moving you pass nothing, no accident, no stranded motorist, nothing. I doubt it is unique to MD and DC but it definitely is a guarantee every time you leave the house.

Something that doesn’t “Grinds My Gears”.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, and any other holiday you may celebrate this time of the year. Don’t get rid of Christmas just accept all of them and life will be a better place!

Tell us what you think in the comments below or over in the forums.