Grim Company Stunt Team Sure Have a Good Time

Grim Company Stunt Team Sure Have a Good Time

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We absolutely love stunts, especially when those stunts are done on two wheels. It’s much better when the stunts are performed by a team, whether professional or not. It’s just neat to see the fun choreographed together into one fantastic performance. The filmography, organization, and performance itself always seem to be superb, especially compared to basic amateur wheelies or donuts on the street. Today we’ll be looking at one of these stunt teams as they strut their stuff, and it’s definitely worth it!

The team in question calls themselves “The Grim Company” and they are based out of the north east. With three members, who, quite wisely, have chosen to sport Harley-Davidson motorcycles, we’d say that they are just the right size. Their video, titled “Hang ‘Em Part 3,” shows them performing burnouts, donuts, drifts wheelies, and more aboard their hogs! It’s certainly a great deal of fun to watch, and don’t worry — the music isn’t that bad!

Check out the video below and judge The Grim Company for yourselves!

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