Good Samaritans Perform Incredible Feat To Aid Fallen Motorcyclist

Good Samaritans Perform Incredible Feat To Aid Fallen Motorcyclist

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Viral Video Even Hollywood Can’t Beat

by Jason Giacchino

We motorcyclists can sometimes feel a bit of “us versus the world” mentality, especially after time spent on the open roads!  However in a recent video clip making its way around the web, it appears when the going gets tough, humanity’s concern for one another outweighs the number the wheels of the vehicle in question.

Disregarding their own safety, a group of university math students in Logan Utah, rushed into the street and lined up with more than half dozen other individuals to lift a roughly 4,000-pound car just high enough for a rescuer to pull motorcyclist Brandon Wright to safety after he and his bike were involved in a collision with a car.

The crash in question occurred near Utah State University in Logan, roughly 90 miles north of Salt Lake City. Wright was apparently on route to study at a computer lab on his motorcycle when a BMW pulled out of a parking lot.

Tire and skid marks on the highway demonstrated that Wright had laid his motorcycle down and slid along the road before colliding with the car.  As a result he became pinned beneath the automobile.  The bike was described to have hit the car’s hood and bounced to the ground while a helmetless Wright slid under the car. Both vehicles burst into flames immediately.

As the video below demonstrates, civilians immediately stepped into action.  Nearby construction workers, students passing-by and a police officer were on the scene in the blink of an eye.  Together, the good samaritans managed to do the impossible by lifting the vehicle off the pinned rider, allowing a fellow individual to drag the victim from the flames.

Despite not wearing a helmet, Wright managed to escape serious head trauma somehow but did suffer broken legs, a broken pelvis, road rash, burns on his left foot and abrasions to his forehead.

In a time of year that has become synonymous with horrible acts of terrorism and destruction of freedom, it’s refreshing indeed to report of true acts of heroism by civilians who, even after having seen the footage, seek no credit as heroes.

Amazing stuff, for sure. What can we learn from such an event? Let us know in the Forums!

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