Ghost Rider: Driverless Truck Hits Riderless Harleys

Ghost Rider: Driverless Truck Hits Riderless Harleys

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Ghost Rider: Driverless Truck Hits Riderless Harleys

We think we’ve seen this horror movie before.

In what seems like a scene right out of Stephen King‘s Christine, a truck took off without a driver and nailed two innocent Harleys that were in its path on the truck’s road to destruction. While no one was hurt, the Harley-Davidson motorcycles suffered some fairly extensive damage and will be out of commission for awhile. But let’s back up for a second. How exactly did this happen?

In Vineland, New Jersey, Pascual Garcia was driving his pickup truck when it started to act up and eventually stalled in an intersection. With some assistance, he pushed the truck to the side of the road, and planned to call for a tow. Well, his truck had other plans. According to the police report cited in the Vineland Daily Journal, the truck “suddenly began to drive on its own and headed north.”

With Garcia chasing his wayward truck in vain, the pickup hit several mailboxes, a fence, and eventually stopped after smashing into a bakery. Among the wreckage left in its path, it was discovered that the demon truck had smashed into not one, but two Harleys. One Harley owner witnessed the carnage, telling police he saw the truck plow into his motorcycle with such force that it sent his bike careening into another Harley parked nearby.

Oh the humanity!

Police are investigating why the truck went off the rails, but luckily no one was injured. Mainly because, well, no one was driving or riding at the time of the accident.

We’re not sure why this pickup freaked out, but we wonder if it looked similar to this.


As always, drive safely, and watch out for those phantom drivers.

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Longtime automotive journalist S.J. Bryan has been covering the automotive industry for over five years and is an editor with Ford Truck Enthusiasts and regular contributor to F-150 Online, Harley-Davidson Forums, and The Mustang Source, among other popular auto sites.

Bryan first discovered her passion for all things automotive while riding in her parent's 1968 Ford Mustang. The automotive expert cut her teeth growing up riding on Harleys, and her first car was a Chevy Nova. Despite her lead foot, Bryan has yet to receive a speeding ticket.

The award-winning former playwright was first published at age 18. She has worked extensively as a writer and editor for a number of lifestyle and pop culture publications. The diehard gearhead is a big fan of American muscle cars, sixth-gen Ford trucks, and Oxford commas.

S.J. can be reached at