Erik Buell Racing’s Assets Set to Be Auctioned Off After Bankruptcy

Erik Buell Racing’s Assets Set to Be Auctioned Off After Bankruptcy

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In what can only be described as a sad day a few months ago, Erik Buell Racing went into bankruptcy, and now, the companies assets are getting ready to be auctioned off later this money.

The company’s assets have been broken up into small lots that include everything from printers to full bikes, and each of the bids will be received later this month for the lots.

However, according to EBR’s Facebook, the company is still hopeful someone will buy up all of the assets to resurrect the company one last time.


Speaking on their Facebook again, EBR is hopeful that someone will do just that, “the assets have to be broken into segments like this by law, but it is a going concern auction and a number of bidders are coming with the intention to buy all the lots necessary to move the company forward again. The outcome is of course unknown, but it actually looks very good to us.”

Who knows if this historic racing company will be with us any longer at the end of the month. Stay tuned.

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