The Most Epic Harley Picture You’ll See Today

The Most Epic Harley Picture You’ll See Today

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Harley-Davidson Night Rod Special With Fire Background

Reddit user posts picture of his bike…and commenters destroy him.

When motorcycle manufacturers want to show off their bikes, they normally do publicity shots that show the bike going at high speeds or through interesting terrain. Then, when you buy your new bike and decide to take a few pictures of it, the pictures normally underwhelm. How many times do we need to see a picture of a bike parked in a driveway in a suburb? That isn’t the case for one opportunistic Reddit user, who found what is perhaps the most unique setting ever for a Harley picture.

We came across said picture on Reddit, and it’s truly awesome, for a variety of reasons. First, the bike looks amazing. It’s a Harley-Davidson Night Rod Special, which is one of the more eye-catching bikes on the road. Second, let’s talk about the background. Yes, that’s fire, and a lot of it. Apparently, this Harley rider was driving through Yorkshire, England, and came across the blaze. He parked his bike then used his phone to take the epic picture.


‘God dammit. Why can’t there be fires near me so I can get a badass picture too…’


Lastly, what truly makes this an awesome picture is less about the actual photo itself and more about the vicious Reddit users’ reactions to it. The rider who took the photo admitted that the fire was the result of a farmer using a flamethrower, but that didn’t deter the comments. These clever users (some might call them trolls, or just dicks) decided to take this picture and use it as the butt of their jokes.

One comment says, “Setting a forest on fire for your picture is a little extreme, you went to great lengths for this shot.” This is followed by, “He didn’t set it on fire, he just parked it there until the oil leaked and started the fire itself.”

Here are some more gold from the comment thread:

“Arson is what gives us motorcycle riders a bad name. Jeez, man, control yourself.”

“Harley-Davidson: The most efficient way to convert gasoline into noise without the adverse side-effect of horsepower.”

“God dammit. Why can’t there be fires near me so I can get a badass picture too…”

“That’s hot.”

“This is so metal.”

“Taco Bell for lunch and you had to make a roadside pit stop?”

And finally, one jab at poor Ferrari:

“Why did you park it in front of a Ferrari dealership?”

Charles Dean is a longtime automotive journalist and regular contributor to Corvette Forum and Rennlist, among other auto sites.