Does the Cost of Running Synthetic Oil Equal the Supposed Benefits?

Does the Cost of Running Synthetic Oil Equal the Supposed Benefits?

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synthetic_vs_conventional_o.jpgHarley Oil – Synthetic or Fossil?
by Pete Schultz

Synthetic oils have gained a large following amongst Harley riders. I am here to dispel the supposed benefits of synthetics over fossil oil. I will start by saying that synthetics are overpriced; the cost to do an oil change triples if you run synthetic oil. What I am getting at is this: does the cost of running synthetic in your Harley equal the supposed benefits?

There are arguments that state synthetic oils can be run for 5000 miles; that they lubricate better; and that synthetic can be used in both the motor and transmission. I want to address these statements one at a time.

I have heard riders talking about how they can run their synthetic oil for 5000 miles between changes. But how many actually do? Most Harley owners are very meticulous about their bikes, and when the oil gets dark, they want to change it. How many Harley riders will take advantage of the rumored 5000 miles between changes? So the number one reason for running synthetic oil and justifying the cost just went out the window unless you really do run it 5000 miles, and I’m pretty sure nobody does.

Synthetics lubricate better. I have even read that they lubricate too much! This one could be true; I don’t know. No matter if it lubricates better or not, does that justify the cost over fossil oil? Do I need to spend three times as much on an oil change because it supposedly lubricates better? If I change my fossil oil every 2500 miles, does it make a difference what type of oil I use? Will my motor wear significantly more if I use fossil oils and change them every 2500 miles compared to running synthetic oil for 5000 miles? I don’t think so!

Synthetic oil can be used in the motor and transmission. Sure, you probably can run synthetic in your transmission. What do you gain other than convenience? Did H-D suddenly make changes to the gear box so now we can use 20/50 oil in it? No, it is a marketing ploy to sell more high priced synthetic oil. Instead of buying the cheaper transmission oil, now they get you to buy an extra quart of synthetic for the sake of convenience. What did H-D do with all of the special transmission and primary fluids that they recommended we use for all those years? Did we really need them? Or could we have been using Kendall 50 weight in our motors, gear lube in the transmission and automotive transmission fluid in our primary case all along?

I believe that the cost of synthetic oils is not offset by their supposed benefits. I can use fossil oil every time I change oil and still have enough money left over to buy a case of beer. Which do you want: an oil change and a case of beer or an oil change without a case of beer?

This is an easy choice; don’t drink the synthetic oil Kool-Aid. Drink beer!

What do you think? Is synthetic worth the higher cost? Sound off in the Forums!