Motorcyclist Records Final Goodbye on his Phone While Waiting for Help

Motorcyclist Records Final Goodbye on his Phone While Waiting for Help

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We all know motorcycling is a dangerous pursuit. Regardless, we accept those dangers every time we throw a leg over the bike and start her up. However, it’s not until you crash that things really suck, and then there’s the possibility that things can get really, really bad. That’s exactly what happened to Kevin Diepenbrock when he was out for a ride at “The Dragon” with his riding buddy and fellow co-worker on October 15th, 2016.

After colliding with his riding buddy, Phillip Polito, both Diepenbrock and Polito were thrown from their bikes down a 100-foot rocky embankment out of sight from motorists and rescue crews. Diepenbrock suffered two punctured lungs, 17 breaks in 12 ribs, and multiple spinal fractures which rendered him motionless. Sadly, Philip Polito was killed in the collision.

With no cell-phone signal and serious injuries, Diepenbrock knew his situation was dire. He laid on the ground for 30 hours before he was rescued, and in that time, he recorded what he believed would be his final goodbye. Beware, the video below is chilling and as real as it gets.

Accidents do occur, which is why we strongly encourage all motorcyclists who ride through areas where cell service is limited to consider purchasing a, SPOT beacon, or some kind of device that can alert emergency services in the event you have a serious accident.

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Source: [Knoxville News Sentinal]